Journal of Clinical Medicine Research, ISSN 1918-3003 print, 1918-3011 online, Open Access
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Original Article

Volume 13, Number 1, January 2021, pages 48-63

Optimal Upper Limits of Plateau Pressure for Patients With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome During the First Seven Days: A Meta-Regression Analysis


Figure 1.
Figure 1. Flow diagram (search, inclusion, and exclusion).
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Univariable meta-regression analysis of the effect of plateau pressure on short-term mortality on days 1, 3 and 7. The position of each circle represents the mortality rate (y-axis) and plateau pressure (x-axis) of each study arm, and circle size is proportional to sample size. (a) Meta-regression analysis of the effect of plateau pressure on day 1 on short-term mortality, including 14 studies and 28 study arms. Mean (SD) plateau pressure was 28.1 (3.7) cm H2O. (b) Meta-regression analysis of the effect of plateau pressure on day 3 on short-term mortality, including 11 studies and 22 study arms. Mean (SD) plateau pressure was 25.5 (3.4) cm H2O. (c) Meta-regression analysis of the effect of plateau pressure on day 7 on short-term mortality, including 12 studies and 24 study arms. Mean (SD) plateau pressure was 25.8 (4.7) cm H2O. SD: standard deviation.
Figure 3.
Figure 3. Univariable meta-regression analysis of the effect of plateau pressure at selected cutoff values on day 1. The position of each circle represents the mortality rate (y-axis) and plateau pressure (x-axis) of each study arm, and circle size is proportional to sample size. (a) Meta-regression analysis of the effect of plateau pressure less than 27 cm H2O on short-term mortality on day 1, including 10 studies and 12 study arms. Mean (SD) plateau pressure was 24.9 (1.7) cm H2O. (b) Meta-regression of plateau pressure above 27 cm H2O on day 1 on short-term mortality, including 12 studies and 16 arms. Mean (SD) plateau pressure was 30.6 (2.7) cm H2O. (c) Meta-regression of plateau pressure less than 30 cm H2O on day 1 on short-term mortality, including 11 studies and 18 arms. Mean (SD) plateau pressure was 25.8 (2.0) cm H2O. (d) Meta-regression of plateau pressure above 30 cm H2O on day 1 on short-term mortality, including seven studies and 10 arms. Mean (SD) plateau pressure was 32.2 (1.9) cm H2O. (e) Meta-regression of plateau pressure less than 32 cm H2O on day 1 on short-term mortality, including 13 studies and 22 arms. Mean (SD) plateau pressure was 26.7 (2.6) cm H2O. (f) Meta-regression of plateau pressure above 32 cm H2O on day 1 on short-term mortality, including five studies and six arms. Mean (SD) plateau pressure was 33.3 (1.8) cm H2O. SD: standard deviation.
Figure 4.
Figure 4. Univariable meta-regression of age and APACHE 2 scores at the time of admission to the ICU on short-term mortality. The position of each circle represents the mortality rate (y-axis) and plateau pressure (x-axis) of each study arm, and circle size is proportional to sample size. (a) Meta-regression of age on short-term mortality, including 14 studies and 28 arms. Mean (SD) age was 50.7 (8.5) years. (b) Meta-regression of APACHE 2 scores on short-term mortality, including eight studies and 16 arms. Mean (SD) APACHE 2 score was 20.5 (3.9). SD: standard deviation; APACHE: acute physiology and chronic health evaluation.


Table 1. Previous Study Populations and Protocols [1-4, 8, 21-29]
Author, yearSample size (n)CountryInclusion criteriaInterventionControl
Ventilator modesTidal volumeAirway pressurePEEPVentilator modesTidal volumeAirway pressurePEEP
aPEEP > 20 cm H2O permitted if profoundly hypoxemic. bPflex: PEEP set on day 1 at the lower inflection point on the pressure-volume curve of the respiratory system. cARDSnet protocol. dRM: PCV driving pressure of 15 cm H2O with a PEEP of 25 cm H2O for 1 min, 35 cm H2O for 1 min and 45 cm H2O for 2 min. eRM: PCV, peak pressure between 50 and 60 cm H2O, and PEEP 35 - 45 cm H2O. fPflux = the maximum compliance PEEP. gRM 40s breath-hold at 40 cm H2O. AC: assist control; ASV: adaptive support ventilation; ARDS: acute respiratory distress syndrome; HFO: high frequency oscillation; HFOV: high frequency oscillation ventilation; IBW: ideal body weight; LIS: lung injury score; MV: minute volume; PEEP: positive end-expiratory pressure; PBW: predicted body weight; PCV: pressure control ventilation; Ppeak: peak airway pressure; Pplat: plateau pressure; Pflex: pressure at the lower inflection point; PSV: pressure support ventilation; PRVC: pressure-regulated volume control; RM: recruitment management; SIMV: synchronized intermittent-mandatory ventilation; SRM: staircase recruitment management ; VCV: volume-control ventilation.
Brower et al, 1999 [21]52USA1. PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 200 mm HgAC or SIMV/VCV5 - 8 mL/kg IBWPplat ≤ 30 cm H2OPredetermined protocolAC or SIMV/VCV10 - 12 mL/kg IBWPplat: ≤ 45 - 55 cm H2OPredetermined protocol
2. Bilateral infiltratesTitrated to FiO2 - PEEP tableTitrated to FiO2 - PEEP table
Range: 5 - 20 cm H2ORange: 5 - 20 cm H2Oa
Villar et al, 2006 [22]103International1. PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 200 mm HgAC/VCV5 - 8 mL/kg PBWPpeak ≤ 35 - 40 cm H2OPflexb + 2 cm H2O (day1) or 13 cm H2OAC/VCV9 - 11 mL/kg PBWPpeak: ≤ 35 - 40 cm H2OPEEP ≥ 5 cm H2O
2. Bilateral infiltrates
3. Meet above criteria during 24 h on standard ventilator settings
Hodgson et al, 2011 [23]20Australia1. PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 200 mm HgPCV with SRM< 6 mL/kg IBWPplat ≤ 30 cm H2O2.5 cm H2O above the derecruitment pointVCV< 6 mL/kg IBWPplat ≤ 30 cm H2OPredetermined protocolc
2. Bilateral infiltratesTitrated to FiO2 - PEEP table
3. Age > 15 years oldRange: 5 - 24 cm H2O
Agarwal et al, 2013 [24]48India1. PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 200 mm HgASV%MV was set according to the initial minute ventilation attained with VCVPplat ≤ 35 cm H2OPredetermined protocolcVCV< 6 mL/kg IBWPplat ≤ 30 - 35 cm H2OPredetermined protocolc
2. Bilateral infiltratesTitrated to FiO2 - PEEP tableTitrated to FiO2 - PEEP table
3. Acute onset dyspnea (< 7 days)Range: 5 - 24 cm H2ORange: 5 - 24 cm H2O
Amato et al, 1998 [25]53Brazil1. PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 200 mm HgPressure-limited modes (PSV, PCV, PRVC)< 6 mL/kg IBWDriving pressure ≤ 20 cm H2O2 cm H2O above PflexAC/VCV12 mL/kg IBW-Predetermined protocol
2. Bilateral infiltratesPpeak ≤ 40 cm H2OTitrated to FiO2 - PEEP table
3. LIS ≥ 2.5Range: 5 - 24 cm H2O
4. One or more underlying disease processes known to be associated with ARDS
Cavalcanti et al, 2017 [1]1,023International1. PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 200 mm Hg with PEEP of ≥ 10 cm H2OVCV + RMd4 - 6 mL/kg IBWPplat ≤ 30 cm H2OPEEP associated set with best compliance + 2 cm H2OVCV4 - 6 mL/kg IBWPplat ≤ 30 cm H2OPredetermined protocolc
2. Bilateral infiltratesTitrated to FiO2 - PEEP table
3. Mechanical ventilation for < 72 h prior to inclusion
Brower et al, 2004 [26]549USA1. PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 300 mm HgAC/VCV6 mL/kg IBWPplat ≤ 30 cm H2OHigher PEEP at least 12 cm H2OAC/VCV6 mL/kg IBWPplat ≤ 30 cm H2OLower PEEP at least 5 cm H2O
2. Bilateral infiltrates
Kacmarek et al, 2016 [4]200USA1. PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 300 mm HgPCV with RMe4 - 8 mL/kg IBWPplat ≤ 30 cm H2O3 cm H2O above PflexfVCV4 - 8 mL/kg IBWPplat ≤ 30 cm H2OPredetermined protocolc
2. Bilateral infiltratesTitrated to FiO2 - PEEP table
3. Age > 18 years oldRange: 5 - 24 cm H2O
4. Within 48 h of meeting above criteria
Mercat et al, 2008 [27]767France1. PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 150 mm Hg for > 12 h with PEEP of ≥ 8 cm H2OAC/VCV6 mL/kg IBWPplat ≤ 30 cm H2OPEEP was kept as high as possible without increasing the maximal inspiratory Pplat above 28 to 30 cm H2OAC/VCV6 mL/kg IBWPplat ≤ 30 cm H2OBetween 5 and 9 cm H2O
2. Bilateral infiltrates
3. Acute onset dyspnea (<48 h)
Esteban et al, 2000 [28]79Spain1. PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 200 mm HgPCV-Pplat ≤ 35 cm H2OPEEP ≥ 5 cm H2OVCV-Pplat ≤ 35 cm H2OPEEP ≥ 5 cm H2O
2. Bilateral infiltrates
3. One or more underlying disease processes known to be associated with ARDS
Brochard et al, 1998 [29]106France1. LIS ≥ 2.5 for less than 72 hAC/PCV6-10 mL/kg IBWPpeak ≤ 25 cm H2OThe lowest PEEP which can be above 200 mm Hg of PaO2/FiO2 during pure oxygen before randomizationAC/VCV10 - 15 mL/kg IBWPplat ≤ 60 cm H2OThe lowest PEEP which can be above 200 mm Hg of PaO2/FiO2 during pure oxygen before randomization
2. Bilateral infiltrates
3. Age above 17 and below 76 years old
Meade et al, 2008 [3]985Canada, Australia1. PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 250 mm HgAC/PCV with RMg4-8 mL/kg IBWPplat ≤ 40 cm H2ODetermined by a single pressure-volume curve analysis at enrollment (Range: 5 - 24 cm H2O)AC/VCV4 - 8 mL/kg IBWPplat ≤ 30 cm H2OPredetermined protocolc
Saudi Arabia2. Bilateral infiltratesTitrated to FiO2 - PEEP table
3. New respiratory symptom (< 28 days)Range: 5 - 24 cm H2O
ARDSnet, 2000 [8]861USA1. PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 300 mm HgAC/VCV6 mL/kg IBW (4 - 8 mL/kg IBW)Pplat ≤ 30 cm H2OPredetermined protocolcAC/VCV12 mL/kg IBWPplat ≤ 50 cm H2OPredetermined protocolc
2. Bilateral infiltratesTitrated to FiO2 - PEEP tableTitrated to FiO2 - PEEP table
3. Within 36 h of meeting above criteriaRange: 5 - 24 cm H2ORange: 5 - 24 cm H2O
Zhou et al, 2017 [2]138China1. PaO2/FiO2 ≤ 250 mm HgAPRVNot restrictedPhigh ≤ 30 cm H2OMinimum PEEP level to atelectasisVCV6 mL/kg IBWPplat ≤ 30 cm H2OAdjusted by the PEEP - FiO2 table
2. Bilateral infiltrates
3. Mechanical ventilation for < 48 h prior to inclusion


Table 2. Study Implementation
Author, yearIntervention comparisonPopulationTidal volume, mL/kg/PBWPlateau pressure, cm H2OPEEP, cm H2O
AgeSeverity scorePaO2/FiO2Day1Day3Day7Day1Day3Day7Day1Day3Day7
Data are presented as mean (SD) if there is no asterisk. aData are presented as median (IQR). bData are presented as mean (SE). cData are measured at 36 h after study enrollment. APACHE: acute physiology and chronic health evaluation; IQR: interquartile range; LIS: lung injury score; PBW: predicted body weight; PEEP: positive end-expiratory pressure; SAPS: simplified acute physiology score; SD: standard deviation; SE: standard error; SOFA: sequential organ failure assessment.
Brower et al, 1999 [21]Intervention46.9 (17.1)LIS: 2.8 (0.5)129 (51)7.8 (0.4)7.3 (0.9)7.5 (1)28.4 (7.7)23.9 (5.3)22.2 (6.1)9.7 (3)7.9 (4.5)5.6 (4.2)
APACHE 3: 90.6 (26.4)
Control49.8 (14.4)LIS: 2.7 (0.5)150 (69)10.2 (0.7)10 (1)10 (0.7)32.3 (7.3)29 (8.2)31.9 (10.8)8.7 (3.5)7.8 (4.2)6 (4.2)
APACHE 3: 84.6 (27.1)
Villar et al, 2006 [22]Intervention45.3 (26 - 62)aLIS: 2.9 (0.4)-7.3 (0.9)7.1 (0.9)-30.6 (6)28.4 (5.4)-14.1 (2.8)11.2 (3.1)-
APACHE 2: 18 (7)
Control53.7 (40 - 69)aLIS: 2.8 (0.5)-10.2 (1.2)10 (1)-32.6 (6.2)32.5 (7.5)-9 (2.7)8.7 (2.8)-
APACHE 2: 18 (6)
Hodgson et al, 2011 [23]Intervention60 (15.8)APACHE 2: 20.1 (3)b----27.6 (1.5)b24.2 (2.4)b21 (2.1)b15 (1)b12.1 (1.5)b8.5 (1.8)b
SOFA: 8.6 (0.9)b
Control58 (12.6)APACHE 2: 20.1 (3)b----26.9 (1.4)b24 (2.1)b20 (3.4)b10 (0.5)b9.3 (1.4)b7.8 (2)b
SOFA: 8.4 (0.5)b
Agarwal et al, 2013 [24]Intervention31.4 (14.9)APACHE 2: 17 (8.9)107.3 (41.9)---26.6 (8.7)22.4 (13.2)25.9 (11.9)12.6 (4.9)9.3 (4.9)10.1 (5.5)
SOFA: 7.4 (4)
Control29.7 (11.6)APACHE 2: 17 (9.7)96.6 (34.5)---26.5 (4.1)23.3 (11.1)24.0 (8.6)12.1 (3.8)9.3 (4.4)8.1 (3.9)
SOFA: 8.2 (4.4)
Amato et al, 1998 [25]Intervention33 (13)LIS: 3.4 (0.4)112 (10)348 (6)c--30.1 (0.7)c--16.4 (0.4)c--
APACHE 2: 28 (7)
Control36 (14)LIS: 3.2 (0.4)134 (14)768 (13)c--36.8 (0.9)c--8.7 (0.4)c--
APACHE 2: 27 (6)
Cavalcanti et al, 2017 [1]Intervention51.3 (17.4)SAPS 3: 63.5 (18.1)119 (43.5)5.6 (1.1)5.8 (1.6)6.1 (1.3)27.9 (4.5)26.3 (5.7)24.1 (6.1)16.2 (3.9)14.2 (4.2)11.6 (4.0)
Control50.6 (17.4)SAPS 3: 62.7 (18.1)117.2 (41.9)5.7 (0.6)5.8 (0.5)6.2 (1.4)25.4 (4.5)24.0 (5.8)23.2 (6.0)12.0 (3.4)10.5 (3.7)9.6 (3.2)
Brower et al, 2004 [26]Intervention54 (17)APACHE 3: 96 33)151 (67)6 (0.9)5.8 (1)5.8 (1.2)27 (6)26 (7)26 (6)14.7 (3.5)12.9 (4.5)12.9 (4)
Control49 (17)APACHE 3: 91 (30)165 (77)6.1 (0.8)6.1 (1.1)6.2 (1.3)24 (7)24 (6)26 (8)8.9 (3.5)8.5 (3.7)8.4 (4.3)
Kacmarek et al, 2016 [4]Intervention52.2 (15.1)APACHE 2: 18 (10)133.4 (43.5)5.6 (1.1)5.8 (1.2)6.8 (1.5)27.9 (3.8)26.2 (3.9)23.7 (6)15.8 (3.8)14.3 (3.9)11.2 (4.4)
Control53.4 (14.5)APACHE 2: 17 (6)128.3 (30.5)6.2 (0.7)6.4 (1.1)6.7 (1.6)25.2 (4.6)24.5 (5.1)24.8 (5.9)11.6 (2.5)10.7 (3.3)10.5 (3.9)
Mercat et al, 2008 [27]Intervention60 (16)SAPS2: 50 (16)144 (58)6.1 (0.3)6.2 (0.5)6.8 (1.3)27.5 (2.4)26.5 (4.2)24.3 (5.8)14.6 (3.2)13.4 (4.7)8.9 (5.1)
Control60 (15)SAPS2: 49 (16)143 (57)6.1 (0.4)6.2 (0.6)6.4 (0.9)21.1 (4.7)20.7 (5)21.1 (5.6)7.1 (1.8)6.7 (1.8)6.2 (2.1)
Esteban et al, 2000 [28]Intervention56 (17)LIS: 2.8 (0.6)126 (47)8 (1.9)8.1 (2.4)33 (6)34 (8)11 (4)10 (4)
SAPS2: 39 (14)
Control54 (16)LIS: 2.9 (0.5)131 (48)8 (2.5)8.3 (2.6)32 (5)34 (7)12 (4)12 (5)
SAPS2: 42 (17)
Brochard et al, 1998 [29]Intervention57 (15.3)LIS: 3 (0.3)144 (61)7.1 (1.3)7.4 (1.3)25.7 (5)24.5 (5.7)10.7 (2.9)9.6 (3)
APACHE 2: 18 (7)
SAPS2: 35 (12)
Control56.5 (15.3)LIS: 3 (0.3)155 (68)10.3 (1.7)10.7 (1.8)31.7 (6.6)30.5 (9.4)10.7 (2.3)8.5 (2.8)
APACHE 2: 17 (8)
SAPS2: 36 (13)
Meade et al, 2008 [3]Intervention54.5 (16.5)APACHE 2: 24.8 (7.8)144.8 (47.9)6.8 (1.4)6.9 (1.5)6.9 (1.3)30.2 (6.3)28.6 (6)28.8 (6.3)15.6 (3.9)11.8 (4.1)10.3 (4.3)
Control56.9 (16.5)APACHE 2: 25.9 (7.7)144.6 (49.2)6.8 (1.3)6.7 (1.5)7 (1.6)24.9 (5.1)24.7 (5.7)25.1 (6.8)10.1 (3)8.8 (3)8 (3.1)
ARDSnet, 2000 [8]Intervention51 (17)APACHE 3: 81 (28)138 (64)6.2 (0.9)6.2 (1.1)6.5 (1.4)25 (7)26 (7)26 (7)9.4 (3.6)9.2 (3.6)8.1 (3.4)
Control52 (18)APACHE 3: 84 (28)134 (58)11.8 (0.8)11.8 (0.8)11.4 (1.4)33 (9)34 (9)37 (9)8.6 (3.6)8.6 (4.2)9.1 (4.2)
Zhou et al, 2017 [2]Intervention51.5 (15)APACHE 2: 22.0 (7.9)121.7 (46.8)7.3 (1.2)7.8 (1.9)7.4 (1.2)22.7 (4.3)19.3 (3.9)18.6 (4.5)7.0 (1.6)6.9 (1.8)6.5 (1.3)
Control52.0 (15.1)APACHE 2: 20.2 (7.6)138.3 (56.1)7.2 (1.1)7.7 (1.1)7.5 (1.0)24.3 (4.3)23.3 (4.6)23.0 (4.6)12.0 (2.1)10.4 (2.8)10.3 (2.1)


Table 3. Effect Size of Short-Term Mortality According to Plateau Pressure on Day 1, 3, and Day7 at Selected Cut-Off Values
Total events (below cutoff)Total (below cutoff)Total events (over cutoff)Total (over cutoff)RR95% CIP valueI2
CI: confidential interval; RR: risk ratio.
Day 1
  27 cm H2O8052,0038131,9570.990.86 to 1.130.8859%
  30 cm H2O3791,0243789881.000.78 to 1.280.9969%
  32 cm H2O1775402255290.770.66 to 0.890.00070%
Day 3
  27 cm H2O3529663569300.960.72 to 1.270.7576%
  30 cm H2O1514851964790.760.64 to 0.900.0020%
  32 cm H2O1514851964790.760.64 to 0.900.0020%
Day 7
  27 cm H2O3791,0243789881.000.78 to 1.280.9969%
  30 cm H2O1745162055130.950.69 to 1.310.7655%
  32 cm H2O1474581834550.820.65 to 1.040.1016%